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Crochet Wedding Petals Necklace

Introducing the Crochet Wedding Petals Necklace, a stunning piece of handmade jewelry that will add a touch of elegance and charm to any bridal ensemble. This exquisite necklace is meticulously crafted using the art of crochet, where delicate threads are intricately woven together to create a beautiful floral design. Each petal is carefully shaped and stitched, resulting in a necklace that is both unique and eye-catching. The delicate petals are arranged in a cascading pattern, creating a sense of movement and grace. Whether worn with a simple white gown or a more elaborate wedding dress, this necklace is sure to make a statement and become a cherished keepsake for years to come.

Skill Level: Intermediate

Required Supplies:

  • AUNT LYDIA’S Classic Crochet Thread, Size 10: 1 ball 1 White
  • Steel Crochet Hook: 1.5mm [US 7]

Additional Supplies Needed:

Round-nose, chain nose and split ring pliers; Wire cutter; Five 14mm pearls; Seven 10mm pearls; Two 2mm pearls; Two 4mm pearls; Two 8mm pearls; Two gold head pins; Two 7mm split rings; Fabric glue

Crocheted in white, this elegant necklace is perfect for the bride. Changed to a bright color or black, it’s the perfect way to change up a little black dress.

Gauge/Tension: GAUGE: Small flower = 1½” (4cm) in diameter. CHECK YOUR GAUGE. Use any size hook to obtain gauge.

Necklace measures 12” (31cm) long x 10” (25cm) wide, excluding ties.


Ch 4, join with slip st to form a ring.

Round 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), 23 dc in ring. Join with a slip st in beginning ch-3—24 dc.

Round 2: Ch 3, dc in same space, 2 dc in each dc around, join—48 dc.

Round 3: Ch 3, dc in each dc around, join.

Round 4: *Ch 5, skip 2 dc, slip st in next dc; repeat from * around, ending slip st in base of beginning ch-5—16 loops.

Round 5: Slip st in ch-5 loop, ch 4, 13 tr in same space, *slip st in next ch-5 loop, 14 tr in next loop; repeat from * around, join—8 petals.

Round 6: Slip st in 3rd tr, *[ch 5, dc in same space, skip 2 tr, slip st in next tr] 3 times (double loops made), slip st in next 5 tr; repeat

from * around, join. Fasten off.


Rounds 1-5: Work as for center main motif.

Round 6: Slip st in third tr, *ch 5, dc in same space, skip 2 tr, slip st in next tr, ch 2, slip st in third ch any corresponding second double

loop of center motif, ch 2, dc in same space as last ch 2, skip 2 tr, slip st in next tr, ch 5, dc in same space, skip 2 tr, slip st in next tr, ch 3, dc in same space, skip 4 tr, slip st in next tr; repeat from * once more, complete row as for center main motif.


Work as for second main motif, joining to opposite side of center motif.


Ch 4, join with slip st to form a ring.

Round 1: Ch 3 (counts as dc), 11 dc in ring. Join with a slip st in beginning ch-3—12 dc.

Round 2: *Ch 5, slip st; repeat from * around, ending with slip st in beginning ch-5—12 loops.

Round 3: Slip st in ch-5 loop, ch 3, 2 dc, 12 tr, 3 dc in same space (beginning petal made), slip st in next ch-5 loop, 3 dc, 12 tr, 3 dc in

next ch-5 loop, slip st in next ch-5 loop; repeat from * around, ending slip st in beginning ch-3. Fasten off—6 petals.


Ch 4, join with slip st to form a ring.

Round 1: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, join with a slip st in beginning sc—12 sc.

Round 2: *Ch 5, skip next sc, slip st in next sc; repeat around ending slip st in base of beginning ch-5.

Round 3: Slip st in ch-5 loop, ch 3, 12 dc in same space, *slip st in next ch-5 loop, ** 13 dc in next ch-5 loop; repeat from * around,

ending last repeat at **. Join with a slip st in beginning ch-3. Fasten off.

TOP LEAF (make 2, one on each side)

Row 1: On right side, join thread with a slip st in ch-5 loop of second double loop of third petal from right (left) of center. Ch 3, 4 dc in

same space, 5 dc in next ch-5 loop, 2 dc in next ch-3 loop, 5 dc in each of next 2 ch-5 loops, ch 3, turn—22 dc.

Row 2: Dc in next 9 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 9 dc, dc in top of ch 3, ch-3, turn—20 dc.

Row 3: Dc in next 8 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 9 sts, ch 3, turn—18 dc.

Row 4: Dc in next 7 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 8 sts, ch 3, turn—16 dc.

Row 5: Dc in next 6 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 7 sts, ch 3, turn—14 dc.

Row 6: Dc in next 5 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 6 sts, ch 3, turn—12 dc.

Row 7: Dc in next 4 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 5 sts, ch 3, turn—10 dc.

Row 8: Dc in next 3 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 4 sts, ch 3, turn—8 dc.

Row 9: Keeping last loop of each st on hook, dc in next 2 dc, skip 2 dc, dc in next 3 sts, yo, pull through all loops on hook. Do not fasten off.

Ch 76 (for tie), sc in second ch from hook and each sc across, join with slip st to tip of leaf. Fasten off. Repeat on opposite end of



Work as for top leaf over 2 bottom petals of center motif; omit ch 76 and fasten off.


Weave in ends. Glue a large flower to center of each main motif. Glue a small flower to center of each main motif. Glue a small flower on each leaf. Glue a small flower on top between center and side motifs. Glue a large flower directly under small flower in between motifs. Repeat on other side. Glue a small flower on both sides of bottom leaf next to large flower. Let dry. Glue one 14mm pearl to center of each flower and one 10mm pearl to the center of each small flower.

Tie Dangles (make 2)

Slide a 2mm, 8mm and a 4mm pearl bead on head pin. With round nose pliers form a loop, insert a split ring. Use chain nose pliers to

pull tail of wire and wrap around loop at top of bead. Trim the wire close to the bead. Use pliers to press end down. With split ring pliers attach split ring to sc at end of tie.


Ch = chain;

dc = double crochet;

sc = single crochet;

sl st = slip stitch;

st(s) = stitch (es);

tr = treble crochet;

[ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified;

* = repeat whatever follows the * as indicated.

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